HOW TO have more ENERGy AS A busy MUM
If you’re struggling to sustain your energy levels throughout the day, perhaps reaching for caffeine and sugar to keep you going, and crashing in the evenings, then this journal entry is for you. Here’s how you can have more energy as a busy mum.
Our bodies go through natural cycles of activity and rest, expansion and contraction every day. These cycles are called ultradian rhythms, and they happen every ninety to one hundred and twenty minutes. When we tune into our ultradian rhythm, and intentionally find five to ten minutes of rest every ninety minutes of activity, we can maintain our energy levels and return to optimal brain function for the next cycle.
Rest can feel different to all of us, and it doesn’t necessarily come easily. Most of us struggle to rest and we can feel anxious or restless when we’re trying to unwind. But when we ignore our biological rhythms and we override our bodies’ natural ability to self-regulate, we cause imbalances that can lead to several health conditions.
Learning how to rest, and what type of rest works for us, can prevent us from causing imbalances and depletions. Next time you think you need a tea or coffee, or something sweet, ask yourself if you’ve ignored your need to rest. Even if we don’t lean on external sources of energy to continue pushing forward without breaks, we can drain our own internal reserves and increase our stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
You can start by taking five minutes midmorning or midafternoon. When you feel a slump in your energy, do something that engages your body or allow your mind to wander.
A five minute walk.
Lie down on the floor and put your legs up the wall.
Do some gentle stretching.
Let your eyes wander and daydream.
Curl up on your side, in fetal position.
Yoga Nidra is a fantastic way to learn how to rest deeply. Listening to a fifteen minute recording can help us drop and surge with more clarity and vitality. When we’re in the state of Yoga Nidra, our bodies receive deep nourishment and restoration, which can be particularly helpful to stop the racing mind, allowing us to move through our responsibilities with ease and unwind in the evening without crashing.
For some of us, taking fifteen minutes in the day feels impossible. If you’re one of them, perhaps try Yoga Nidra early in the morning, as soon as you wake up, or late at night, right before bed.
learn how to rest
The secret to having a more productive day is to fully surrender to your phase of activity AND your phase of rest. If you’re unsure where in your ultradian rhythm you are, and find yourself overwhelmed or struggling to keep up, take a few minutes for your brain to recharge. Don’t force yourself through it. The more you practice how to rest, the sooner you’ll tune in to your biological rhythm. A nice and simple activity to learn how to rest is to take five minutes where you can just stop and sit. Turn your phone off, and any electronic device around you, maybe even go outside, and simply sit. If you feel safe enough to do so, close your eyes. Let your mind go wherever it wants to go, engage if you want to, and notice how your body feels when nothing and no one demands your energy or attention.
be a little bit lazy
Try slowing down and turning more of your attention inwards. Give yourself permission to do less, do a good enough job, and not push yourself. In a society that rewards women for being invincible, superwomen and unstoppable, this is a radical act. But, your long-term health and wellbeing depends on you learning how to listen to your body, and tune into what feels good to you. Perhaps start by slowing down, just a little bit.
If any of this resonates with you, or perhaps you’re unsure how to have more energy (and rest!) in your life, then have a look at my mini coaching sessions: Reclaim Your Energy and Sleep & Rest Well. You can also book a complimentary fifteen minute discovery call to find out if these are a good option for you.