Ujayii + Golden Thread to Release Tension
In this downloadable recording, I guide you through how to practice Ujayii breath and the Golden Thread Breath. We use the Ujayii breath when we inhale, and the Golden Thread breath when we exhale.
As taught by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, this breath practice can be used as a way of letting go of any difficulty or tension, or whatever you need to release.
I recommend starting with Ujayii and Golden Breath separately first, and once you feel comfortable with each, use this recording to guide you into how to incorporate both.
With Ujayii, we centre ourselves and invite calm. With the Golden Thread Breath we release tension and invite healing.
In this downloadable recording, I guide you through how to practice Ujayii breath and the Golden Thread Breath. We use the Ujayii breath when we inhale, and the Golden Thread breath when we exhale.
As taught by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, this breath practice can be used as a way of letting go of any difficulty or tension, or whatever you need to release.
I recommend starting with Ujayii and Golden Breath separately first, and once you feel comfortable with each, use this recording to guide you into how to incorporate both.
With Ujayii, we centre ourselves and invite calm. With the Golden Thread Breath we release tension and invite healing.
In this downloadable recording, I guide you through how to practice Ujayii breath and the Golden Thread Breath. We use the Ujayii breath when we inhale, and the Golden Thread breath when we exhale.
As taught by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, this breath practice can be used as a way of letting go of any difficulty or tension, or whatever you need to release.
I recommend starting with Ujayii and Golden Breath separately first, and once you feel comfortable with each, use this recording to guide you into how to incorporate both.
With Ujayii, we centre ourselves and invite calm. With the Golden Thread Breath we release tension and invite healing.